4 September 2024
In parallel with the Venice Film Festival, Manuel De Teffé, director and screenwriter, will present his first novel: ‘Once upon a time in Rome: la dolce vita si tinge di west’.
The appointment with the author and special guests will be held this evening, Wednesday 4 September at 6.30 p.m., at the Casa della Pesca (Via Lungomare San Felice, 7 Punta Sabbioni).
Actor Gianni Garko, the unforgettable ‘Sartana’ of westerns, Cristina Chinaglia, actress (Colorado, Tv delle ragazze); Giuseppe Manfridi, writer and screenwriter, and Mauro Germani, poet, will be taking part in the event. Adriano Berton, Bancarella Prize writer, will moderate the event.
‘Cavallino-Treporti is a locality that is strongly committed to the promotion of important cultural events,’ explains Culture Councillor Alberto Ballarin. ’One of this year's novelties is the event dedicated to the world of westerns, which will see the extraordinary participation of Gianni Garko, a leading figure in the world of cinema. This event is just one example of our ongoing commitment to enhancing culture and bringing quality events to Cavallino-Treporti. This past summer, we organised numerous events with the participation of important personalities, confirming our desire to always offer new cultural opportunities. A path that we intend to continue, maintaining our momentum with further meetings and presentations in the coming months'.
‘Once Upon a Time in Rome’ presents a never-before-told page of Italian customs: the Dolce Vita epic swept away by the cultural revolution of western cinema. All inspired by the astonishing adventures of Roman actor Antonio de Teffé (the author's father) and how, under the pseudonym of Anthony Steffen, he became the star of no less than 27 genre films, including: Django the Bastard, W Django! A Few Dollars for Django, The Gunslinger Marked by God, $1,000 on the Black, A Long Line of Crosses, A Train to Durango, Shango the Infallible Pistol, Sabata Comes, A Coffin for the Sheriff.
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